Sunday, January 31, 2010
0 comments @ 3:09 PM

Finally camp is over, if i had to summaries the camp its ok but u will get bored so here we go.

Day 1 (27th):
I reached sch at 6.15am but they provided us with a light breakfast and we boarded the bus at say about 7am++ Reach the TMFT(tenah merah ferry terminal) and bored the ferry it was very very very very choppy and bumpy ride i felt like vomitting but could not so i felt teribble...When we reach we board the bus and went to the sch immediately and did CIP then had lunch and went to the resort in the late afternoon. We checked in to the dom. after the breifing and then we went to bathe. Rested for awhile and went to assemble to get ready for dinner. after dinner we went for the night walk the girls in our group were like aarrrggghhh!! cos the instructors hid in bushes to scare us...I was like "maybe u could work on ur camouflaging skills....." Then we went back to sleep and it was noisy and the dom. was airconditioned yet i got bitten by mosquitoes..

Day 2 (28th):
We woke up at 3.50am and assemble at 4am and had to assemble to sing the national anthem loud and clear..four boys came in late and had to sing by themselves so it was embarassing for them. we prepared cheers for the camp fire and we did teambonding games lots of it and it was meaningful then we had breakfast..we played more team bonding games and soon it was sampan rowing( << the reason we woke up at 4am cos we wanted to catch the tide) by the time we are done with it the tide was almost dried up and it was dried up say 600m ahead which is alot. We did team bonding and then treasure hunt which was super boring... then came the sand castle building we had fun and i was busy looking for sea shells for decoration on the castle. By the way we said the sch creed at 1.25pm(sg time)and had lunch before that. Then it was about time for us to do the coconut tree climbing. I was helping stanley with his footing and i trip and cut myself...zzz... then it was my turn i climbed pretty fast too cos maybe i have long legs and i was climbing 3/4 and a teacher came to take a photo and i stop and gave him a peace and continued to finish it. When the locals lowered me down from the tree. It was painful at my ***** cos it was tight. Then we chilled out and then went to assemble for dinner and then went to check in our hotel rooms and galvin was like preston why u open the door so loud then he say dun open first. He took over and knock 3x and walked in sideways. He claim to respect "anyone" in the room. Then we went for the camp fire and after the whole thing we got group photos and went back to the room. We went to sleep.zzzzzz

Day 3 (29th):
We woke up at 6.50am and it was tiring and i dressed in long pants and red shirt. Went to sing school and the school song so we went for the buffet breakfast and then went to the sch we did CIP in and then we said bye to the students and then we board the bus to go shopping after that we went to the ferry terminal and be on our way home. We arrived in TMFT and boarded the bus to sch and it was 7pm when we got there and we listened to the announcement and our class won best cheer and we performed and then i got a lift back in the taxi with khin hong and his dad.

BaBy I Will WaIt f0r Y0u...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
0 comments @ 9:03 PM

Omg camp is coming tomorrow so tired i have not packed yet....
I went with Chee wei, Jazz, Shi Ying and amira to vivo city and ikea to get stuff for the CIP trip tomorrow... anyways today we saw a carpet and called back cos it cost $39 and some say outta budget but still amira thinks its great.....
Then we cab to vivocity went around and round vivo to find some nets to decorate the library we are going to tomorrow in bintan...Then i left them about 5.30pm. Went to bukit merah and bought long sleeve shirt for coconut tree climbing...and 1.5litres water bottle and met Ms Wee during the shopping she was tired and ask hows 2f i was like its fine and went home....

BaBy I Will WaIt f0r Y0u...

Friday, January 22, 2010
0 comments @ 12:30 PM

Today is rather tiring and bad day...
I am not feeling well today and can't go play basketball and i also can't go school...
I was home all day resting and eating medicine. So sick. Today suppose to have test
good thing is i got more time to study. Haiz on the messenger also no one except aussie friends. :D

BaBy I Will WaIt f0r Y0u...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
0 comments @ 7:40 PM

today was great and tiring i had pe and basketball training in a day.
Guess it will train me up??
I hope i can get good grades although i clack so much nowadays but i will buck up

BaBy I Will WaIt f0r Y0u...

Saturday, January 16, 2010
0 comments @ 8:22 AM

Today was bad i didn't go church for two weeks.
I went out yesterday and today have family gatherig.
I hope today will be past faster in the morning and slower towards the afternoon.

BaBy I Will WaIt f0r Y0u...

Thursday, January 14, 2010
0 comments @ 8:15 PM

13 Jan 2010
Today i had normal lessons till say 3.15pm.
Then i followed yenyi for bible studies...
We met the people in subway at tiong.
And i met this girl there she looked so so so so very very very very like....(secret)
the height, looks and even the behavior almost the same. I was ......
Anyways she is not the only one which look like....(secret) but there is another.

BaBy I Will WaIt f0r Y0u...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
0 comments @ 7:52 PM

This is the beauty of aussie....
It me at the jetty
:D wooohoooo

BaBy I Will WaIt f0r Y0u...

0 comments @ 7:46 PM

Cool picture of the class. I do miss 2f a little lol....
But still new class ain't that bad you know we can all try to adjust. In future we will leave our friends in working life but yeah so sad... D:

BaBy I Will WaIt f0r Y0u...

Saturday, January 9, 2010
0 comments @ 6:18 PM

today is a saturday, so sian i skip training because i not feeling well in the morning. I went for light breakfast. Now i am glad i feel better because tomorrow have a day out so must be top form. I think today was like a sad day for me. Like i feel like someone backstabbed me, i feel so disappointed by a particular somebody and i feel sad because he or she has done wat he or she did. I think i must look on bright side.D: So i never attend church today because i have a family gathering. By the way although i never get into the team which is obvious since i never attend training for 1 month. i wish ray and wei xian good luck and hope you guys will be friends no matter who gets in. :D

BaBy I Will WaIt f0r Y0u...

Thursday, January 7, 2010
0 comments @ 7:09 PM

Ok so i went to school as per normal today. We had chemistry which is "interesting" but so frustrated because teachers want this file and that file. I really give up so i was going to buy physics theory and practical then had not enough money so borrowed from lye jun then his like happy because i borrow from him. Anyways today we had assembly and then i when to gym with ray and jian yong and others were there too. After gym we had to shoot 200 BALLS!!!!!!!! And its solo. Yeah i am gald because i completed 200 BALLS!!! Although it was tiring. Thats about it and yeah i hope i can do even better in sec. 3 maybe improve myself in CCA, studies and character. Hoping to kick some bad habits.:D

BaBy I Will WaIt f0r Y0u...

Tuesday, January 5, 2010
0 comments @ 9:03 PM

Today i had Basketball training. Coach review to us those who are "confirmed" in the B' division boy's team. Jian yong, dylan, jia wei, youren, jeremy(yeo), jeremy(senior), sean, shi jian, adrain & marcus got into the team which is confirmed. Except Ray, Wei Xian, Han Yi, dalvin, kenneth, jeremy(jaja) & me. I was sad but yeah can't blame anyone cos i never been for training that regualrly. Anyways, school is per normal and we had mr teo as EM,AM teacher. We got Mr Tay as PE teacher, Mr Leong for SS, Mrs Roy for english and mr liu for chinese. looking forward to meet new teachers but the year starts rather sad for me. Hoping for a better year ahead:D.

Lastly i may spell some names wrongly i do apologise for that:D
Enjoy your schooling.

I am still sad okaysD:

BaBy I Will WaIt f0r Y0u...

Sunday, January 3, 2010
0 comments @ 4:05 PM

Today was a rather tiring but memorable day.
As all gessian know today we are celebrating the 125th anniversary.
The school wants to break the record to be in the singapore record book folding 125,000 paper boats. We did it and surpass our target in fact.
I folded alot alot alot of boats although it was "no life" but still yeah i felt a bit glad i did do it. But i feel sorry for people who did not put in effort. I think i made an effort at least to start the school das good. Yeah and i also had lunch with Minfeng(mf), bilal, jeremy (jaja) and we talked and laugh although jeremy super "xialan" but friends and classmate must understand. I hope everyone had a good day in school?

BaBy I Will WaIt f0r Y0u...

Friday, January 1, 2010
0 comments @ 9:39 PM

Hello readers its like year 2010
Time really flies. I remembered when i first enter secondary school and made new friends now we are again in different classes.
Today i spend like time with my family and my cousin from australia (a.k.a aussie mossie) came back i am so happy but not sure why i not looking forward to the new year :( Hopefully it will be a better and great year for me and the rest of earth's population :D.

Lastly Happy New Year Everyone In the Universe:D

Have a wonderful year 2010:D

BaBy I Will WaIt f0r Y0u...

♫ All About Me

Preston Ng
Been 0n This Miserable Planet For 15yrs and counting

Currently: GESSian
Horoscope: Leo
♫ Loves

Most Of Earth's Population?!
Loves Playing Most Sports
More Friends[duh...]
Her<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 ALOT

♫ Give It To Me Pls

HER<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 PLS PLS PLS
0verall 70%++
I Want New Shoes
top 5 in cross country
Go Japan in Year 2011...?
Alot Alot of X'mas gift
New Bag
New clothes...?[Why not??]
New Laptop
♫ Phrases To Notes

Six-Word Formula For success
"Think Things Through-Then Follow Through"
-Edward Rickenbacker

♫ RuN BABY rUn


♫ Reminiscence

..December 2009

..January 2010

..February 2010

..March 2010

..April 2010

..May 2010

..September 2010

..October 2010

♫ Leaving Notes

Dawn 0f Symphony

♫ The Music

Music Playlist at

♫ Pictures Of You


♫ Credits

Designer - LiTtL3 aH mA
Hoster - Photobucket
Images - Deviant ART
Brushes - All brushes creator